The Doctor Who Audio Dramas
The Doctor Who Audio Dramas is the world’s longest running family friendly production of Doctor Who. Started in 1982, this series spans eight Doctors, a host of companions, and over 200 stories. Thousands of episodes are downloaded every month. New episodes appear on iTunes two weeks after they premier on the main website. Note that, due to the age of some of the material, quality will vary. or
Saturday Jan 01, 2011
Trailer - Faces of the Dead
Saturday Jan 01, 2011
Saturday Jan 01, 2011
Christmas. 1944. You're cold, hungry and scared. And your friend has just come back to life before your eyes.
Sunday Sep 05, 2010
178 Might of the Starry Sea part five
Sunday Sep 05, 2010
Sunday Sep 05, 2010
In the year 2900, the Doctor and Robbie find Planet Earth's galactic zoo and discover humanity has placed itself on the brink of self-destruction. In pursuit of Earthly salvation, they must travel backward in time and halfway across the galaxy.
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
178 Might of the Starry Sea part four
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
In the year 2900, the Doctor and Robbie find Planet Earth's galactic zoo and discover humanity has placed itself on the brink of self-destruction. In pursuit of Earthly salvation, they must travel backward in time and halfway across the galaxy.
Friday Sep 03, 2010
178 Might of the Starry Sea part three
Friday Sep 03, 2010
Friday Sep 03, 2010
In the year 2900, the Doctor and Robbie find Planet Earth's galactic zoo and discover humanity has placed itself on the brink of self-destruction. In pursuit of Earthly salvation, they must travel backward in time and halfway across the galaxy.
Thursday Sep 02, 2010
178 Might of the Starry Sea part two
Thursday Sep 02, 2010
Thursday Sep 02, 2010
In the year 2900, the Doctor and Robbie find Planet Earth's galactic zoo and discover humanity has placed itself on the brink of self-destruction. In pursuit of Earthly salvation, they must travel backward in time and halfway across the galaxy.
Wednesday Sep 01, 2010
178 Might of the Starry Sea part one
Wednesday Sep 01, 2010
Wednesday Sep 01, 2010
In the year 2900, the Doctor and Robbie find Planet Earth's galactic zoo and discover humanity has placed itself on the brink of self-destruction. In pursuit of Earthly salvation, they must travel backward in time and halfway across the galaxy.
Thursday Aug 26, 2010
Trailer - Might of the Starry Sea
Thursday Aug 26, 2010
Thursday Aug 26, 2010
In the year 2900, the Doctor and Robbie find Planet Earth's galactic zoo and discover humanity has placed itself on the brink of self-destruction. In pursuit of Earthly salvation, they must travel backward in time and halfway across the galaxy.
Friday Jun 04, 2010
177 End of Innocence part four
Friday Jun 04, 2010
Friday Jun 04, 2010
When the Doctor and Robbie stumble upon a kidnapping in progress, there's no question that the Doctor will intervene. But has he sent Robbie and the young boy to safety, or into danger worse than anything they've ever known?
Thursday Jun 03, 2010
177 End of Innocence part three
Thursday Jun 03, 2010
Thursday Jun 03, 2010
When the Doctor and Robbie stumble upon a kidnapping in progress, there's no question that the Doctor will intervene. But has he sent Robbie and the young boy to safety, or into danger worse than anything they've ever known?
Wednesday Jun 02, 2010
177 End of Innocence part two
Wednesday Jun 02, 2010
Wednesday Jun 02, 2010
When the Doctor and Robbie stumble upon a kidnapping in progress, there's no question that the Doctor will intervene. But has he sent Robbie and the young boy to safety, or into danger worse than anything they've ever known?
The Doctor Who Audio Dramas
Classic Doctor Who, the way you remember it.